Katarzyna (Kasia) Pomian Bogdanov

How to pronounce Kasia 

Hi, I'm Kasia! I am currently a Ph.D. Candidate in the Learning Sciences at Northwestern University where I work with Bruce Sherin and Brian Reiser. My research focuses on better understanding how science educators learn to design and teach science in more student centered and equitable ways.  I am also interested in how students and educators use silliness in the classroom to create better learning environments. 

I am an educator at heart! I have been teaching qualitative methods courses, foundational learning science courses, and a range of physics courses as an adjunct professor.  I have been a high school physics teacher and I have taught high school physics teachers to teach AP Physics labs and use OpenSciEd curricular materials. 

I have designed many curricula including undergraduate studio-style physics courses, storyline driven curricula for high school and middle school, and co-designed graduate level methods courses.

My previous research was studying stringed instruments and how they can be used in the classroom to teach students about waves in more engaging ways. I have also worked at Argonne National Laboratory as part of the Dark Energy Survey working toward discovering more about dark energy. 

Overall I am very passionate about making education more engaging and authentic for both students and teachers.

I am also a mom to two very curious young children. We are currently saving local butterflies!

On this site you can learn more about my education, my research, my publications and presentations, and my teaching experience and materials I have designed. 

Feel free to reach out to me at kpomian@u.northwestern.edu with any questions. Or connect through different channels: