Our butterflies!

My 3 year old son, Leon, noticed that we have visitors on our parsley. We had these visitors last year too, but last year they suddenly disappeared never to be seen. Well, we read in a book that butterflies come from caterpillars, and caterpillars eat green leaves, so these must be caterpillars! But our outdoor patio is also home to baby birds who's mom was picking the caterpillars for them as a treat. We decided to save our caterpillars so they can become the butterflies they were meant to be (especially during a time where we need to protect them). We bought a home for our caterpillars and replanted the parsley plant into a pot with our friends on the leaves. We watched, and watched, they ate, and ate, and pooped a lot. Then... bundled up in a cocoon. After a little over a week Leon noticed that - there is a butterfly! We needed to quickly let the butterfly out to get some food. Luckily we have lavender in our garden, that butterflies like, so we placed them on the lavender and said goodbye! Now we have 10 more caterpillars. Stay tunned for more updates.