
Pomian Bogdanov, Katarzyna. (2024). Understanding Longitudinal Teacher Learning across Co-Design and Enactment of Curricular Materials.  ISLS Proceedings 2024 (p.152-153)

Pomian Bogdanov, Katarzyna. (2024). A Teacher’s Journey with Curricular Materials. Hawaii International Education Conference Proceedings 2024.

Pomian  Bogdanov, Katarzyna. (2022). "It's so frustrating" Understanding Design Dilemmas in Co-Design through curricular values. ICLS Proceedings 2022

Pomian, Katarzyna E. (2018). Understanding group dynamics within a classroom using small group networks and epistemological framing. College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations. 313.

Hass, Christopher A., Genz, Florian, Kustusch, Mary Bridget, Ouimet, Pierre-P. A., Pomian, Katarzyna, Sayre, Eleanor C., and Zwolak, Justyna P. (2018). Studying community development: a network analytical approach. PERC Proceedings 2018.

Pomian, Katarzyna E., Kustusch, Mary Bridget, Sayre, Eleanor C., Franklin, Scott V., and Zwolak, Justyna P. (2017). Using Social Network Analysis on Classroom Video Data. PERC Proceedings 2017.

Gupta, Ravi R., Kuhlmann, Steve, Kovacs, Eve, Spinka, Harold, Pomian, Katarzyna. (2016) Host galaxy identification for supernova surveys. The Astronomical Journal. 152:154 (20pp).

Ramsey, Gordon P., Pomian, Katarzyna. (2014). Correlating Properties of Stringed Instruments. J. Acoustical. Soc. Am., 135 2184; POMA.  

Ramsey, Gordon P., Pomian, Katarzyna. (2013). Physics of Stringed Instruments. Acoustical Society of America - 167th Lay Language Papers 2013. 


Pomian Bogdanov, Katarzyna. (2024, July 10). Design Dilemmas: A way of understanding teacher approaches to co-designing physics curricula [Poster presentation] Physics Education Research Conference (PERC). Boston, MA, United States.

Pomian Bogdanov, Katarzyna. (2024, July 8). Teacher’s learning through developing and using reform-based and storyline-driven physics curricula. [Poster presentation] American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT). Boston, MA, United States.

Pomian Bogdanov, Katarzyna. (2024, April 12). A Teacher’s Journey through Co-designing and Adapting Curricular Materials: A story of fidelity to self. [Paper presentation] Chicago Symposium. Chicago, IL, United States.

Pomian Bogdanov, Katarzyna. (2024, March 19). A Teacher’s Journey through Co-designing and Adapting Curricular Materials. [Paper presentation] National Association for Research on Teaching Science (NARST). Denver, CO, United States.

Pomian Bogdanov, Katarzyna. (2024, January 5). A Teacher’s Journey with Curricular Materials: A Case Study of a Teacher Co-designing and Adapting Curricular Materials for Her Classroom. [Paper presentation]. Hawaii International Conference on Education. Waikoloa, HI, United States.

Pomian Bogdanov, Katarzyna. (2023, April 21). Discussion Relevance in a Nationwide Curriculum Co-Desing Process. [Paper presentation - Part of Symposium]. National Association for Research on Teaching Science (NARST). Chicago, IL, United States.

Pomian Bogdanov, Katarzyna. (2022, June 6). "It's so frustrating" Understanding Design Dilemmas in Co-Design through curricular values. [Poster presentation]. International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS). Hiroshima, Japan. Virtual.

Pomian Bogdanov, Katarzyna. (2022, March 11). Unpacking Dilemmas within Co-Design using Curricular Values. [Qualifying Presentation]. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, United States. 

Pomian Bogdanov, Katarzyna E., Lopez, Enrique, Campanella, Melissa. (2021, January 28). Designing educational contexts to engage in critical discussions about the relationships between race and science/science education. [Wondering Session]. Science Educators for Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice (SEEDS). Virtual.

Pomian, Katarzyna E. (2018, November). Understanding group dynamics within a classroom using small group networks and epistemological framing. [Thesis Defense Talk]. DePaul University, Chicago, IL, United States. 

Pomian, Katarzyna E. (2018, January). Understanding interactions between student groups and student leaders using the fusion of epistemological framing and Social Network Analysis on classroom video data. [Poster presentation]. American Association of Physics Teachers. San Diego, CA, United States. 

Pomian, Katarzyna E. (2017, July). Using Social Network Analysis on Classroom Video Data. [Poster presentation]. Physics Education Research Conference. Cincinnati, OH, United States.

Pomian, Katarzyna E. (2016, January). Physics of Stringed Instruments: Experimenting in the classroom. [Poster presentation]. American Association of Physics Teachers. New Orleans, LA, United States. 

Pomian, Katarzyna E. (2015, September). How are we looking for Dark Energy and Dark Matter?: An day in a life of a high energy physicist. Invited Visiting Scientist Series. Lemont High School. Lemont, IL, United States.

Pomian, Katarzyna E. (2015, July). Dark Energy Survey - Designing and Testing Ring Resonators for the Dark Energy Camera. Argonne High Energy Research Symposium. Lemont, IL, United States.

Pomian, Katarzyna E. (2014, January). Physics of Stringed Instruments. [Poster Presentation]. American Association of Physics Teachers National Meeting in Orlando, FL, United States. 

Pomian, Katarzyna E. (2014, May). Correlating Properties of Stringed Instruments. [Paper presentation]. Acoustical Society of America. Province, RI, United States.  

Pomian, Katarzyna E. (2013, May). Physics of Stringed Instruments. [Paper presentation]. American Association of Physics Teachers. Park Ridge, IL, United States.