Physics Education Research

As I was pursuing my M.S. in Phsyics at DePaul University my research was focusing on understanding student learning through silliness and play in the classroom. I applied epistemological framing using discourse and body language of classroom interactions to find how silliness helps students in communicating with each other in science classroom.  I applied social network analysis (SNA) to collect video data to categorize student interactions into axial epistemological frames - on-topic, on-task, off-topic, and silly, not serious. I fused SNA and epistemological framing to help better understand the individual group dynamics within the whole class structure. I published conference proceedings and presented at multiple conferences

Here is my thesis: 

Pomian, Katarzyna E. (2018). Understanding group dynamics within a classroom using small group networks and epistemological framing. College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations. 313.

Here are proceedings papers: 

Hass, Christopher. A., Genz, Florian, Kustusch, Mary Bridget, Ouimet, Pierre-P. A., Pomian, Katarzyna, Sayre, Eleanor C., and Zwolak, Justyna P. (2018). Studying community development: a network analytical approach. PERC Proceedings 2018.

Pomian, Katarzyna E., Kustusch, Mary Bridget, Sayre, Eleanor C., Franklin, Scott V., and Zwolak, Justyna P. (2017). Using Social Network Analysis on Classroom Video Data. PERC Proceedings 2017.